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Zoom webinar in English: «Erasmus and the Greek New Testament» by Pål-Espen Tørisen
30. januar 2023 @ 18:00 - 19:00
Attend the webinar “Erasmus and the Greek New Testament” and hear the exiting story of one of the most important Bible editions in the world and the superstar of humanism behind it.
What was the background of the first printed Greek New Testament?
Who was the man behind it, and why did he do it?
What characterized Erasmus’ Bible edition and what impact did it make?
These questions and more are answered in the lecture by Bible collector Pål-Espen Tørisen. We get an insight into the transformation from the first printed Greek New testament to the first translations into modern languages – and how this changed the Western world.
The talk is free of charge and in order to see the talk on Zoom you will need a link that you will receive by email here.