The Synagogue Part 1 | The origin of the synagogue

When one is reading The New Testament (NT) the synagogue arises from nothing. Jesus teaches in the synagogue, he heals in the synagogue and he predicts that his followers will be whipped in the synagogue, and even outcast from the synagogue. When Paul arrives in a new city, the first thing he does is visit the synagogue to preach. Since the synagogue is not mentioned in The Old Testament (OT), while it is referred to over 70 times in NT the question of “Where does the synagogue originate from?” appears.

In this series/sequence consisting of four parts about the synagogue, we will explore the architecture, the financing, and the usage of the synagogue. Concluding with the comparison of the synagogue with the first Christian congregation.

Press here to read the exciting and educational article (in pdf-format).